Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ever Just Had One of Those Days?

Today has been rather wonky.  I will admit that some of it was my fault, I did choose to dress that way, but in some ways it wasn't me at all.  Also, since when were people afraid to smack my butt?  It's like a hand-tennis racket- towel- anything else handy magnet.  I don't even care anymore.  The only time I have made a big deal out of it was when the person smacking me caused me pain.  Like, serious lasts-more-than-one-minute pain.  Then I might be apt to complain.  

Sometimes I just don't understand people.  What makes them the way they are?  Why do they choose to do those things?  What were they thinking?  Maybe I should become a psychology major.  That sounds hard.  Maybe not, then.  

I think I am looking for the complimentary cheese to my wine, the cover to my book, the shotgun to my shell.    I don't want a business relationship/marriage.  I thrive on emotions.  Like right now.  Being so close to the full moon is making me a little crazy.  Like I want to walk through a cemetery or do something crazy like that.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this midnight rambling.  I honestly don't know why I even wrote this post.  Hope somebody can get a kick out of it.  Ha ha.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Just Can't Deny It Anymore!

I know that here, on this site, my personal feelings and thoughts aren't really my own.  I know you'll use them however best suits you.  I don't care.

I guess I just want to get this out, let it be heard.  I don't care if you read it or not, what you take from it is entirely up to you.  I don't want it inside anymore, so at least here I can scream it to the virtual rooftops.

First off, you should know that I kinda fell for a guy.  Kinda like stepping in hot tar that someone poured onto a pothole.  Or like suddenly being caught in a blizzard while hunting.  Or maybe like falling in a dream and suddenly being jolted awake by the force of it.  Either way, it happened.

I don't really know why I'm telling you this; chances are he doesn't even like me.  Okay, so he likes me, but probably not like that.  It's a bit complicated.

Somehow, I ended up screwing it up, but then it got better.  Now I'm just holding on to every and any smile and joke I can get.  This sounds desperate, but isn't that what feeling like this is all about?  You are happy when they are happy.  Ugh, now I sound like a sappy romantic dramedy.  Yuck!  Anyway, part of me recently decided that I didn't really believe that sentiment.  I don't cry that often, but when I thought I was losing him forever, even just as a friend, I kinda broke a little.  The tears and sobs came on like a bad case of the stomach flu.  It almost felt the same way as vomiting.  I didn't really eat the next day.  I suppose I became a little depressed.  And for all of you who think that no guy is worth crying over, I only have this to say:  TELL THAT TO MY BRAIN!!!  Ha ha, sorry, had to.

I don't really know what I'm doing.  Definitely never felt this way before.  It's not even like butterflies in the stomach, this feeling.  It's like a strong pull followed by my stomach twisting like turbo-crunches.  Sometimes I can't even look in his eyes because I think I'll betray too much or he'll get scared away again.  I know that to some degree I can't control it.  It's just too strong.

Some of my friends insist that I need to "get laid" or have some "bad-boy sex."  What would losing my virginity do?  I don't think it would help me get over him.  In fact, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't. Might make matters worse.  Oh, I guess now you all know I'm still a virgin.  Let me make this perfectly clear, so that there won't be any questions later:  I AM NOT SAVING MYSELF!!!  I just haven't had opportunity to.  And I am a little shy when it comes to that department.  And you all thought I was an angel.  Ha ha.

If I could ask people on here for advice, believe me, I would.  It seems like all advice in the Love Department is vague.  People aren't really up to trying to put into words how they feel.

Just so you know, I'm a little bit afraid to post this.  I know this sounds juvenile, but what if he reads this?  I don't know how much attention he pays to things I post.  In some ways, I want him to.  Oh well, here's to raising a glass to being daring and all that rot.  Bloody hell, what have I gotten myself into?

If for some reason you do read this, please don't judge me too harshly.  I just can't help it.  You make it so hard.  And I do try.  I won't deny this feeling anymore. I can't.  It's too strong for me to fight.  I think I might have accidentally fallen in love with you, and I am sorry.  I just hope you'll forgive me for this.  *blushes and smiles timidly*